Morning :) Another Monday starts the week and I hope everyone is having a great day so far! Today I want to touch base on MAGNETIC WATER!!! For almost 5 years now I have been drinking magnetic water. Most people have never heard of magnetic water and the rest are like " what the hell is in that jar of yours". Magnetic water... It is life changing I am telling you!! Water is the most important thing we need as humans. We are made of mostly water so it makes sense we should hydrate ourselves. Unfortunately the water we have delivered to us through household taps is contaminated with chemicals, industry waste, effluent, and garbage. It is also put through such pressure that any living energy it had is destroyed. We need water that is revitalized and life-giving!! Lucky for us the Russians have been using magnetic water for centuries. (mind blowing)
Magnetic Water
(let stand 24 hours before drinking) |
Also known as "Wonder Water", Magnetic water has been known to help with heart disease, stroke, infection, leukemia, lymphoma, osteoporosis,depression, and many more. In general Magnetic water has a therapeutic effect on the body especially digestive, urinary, and nervous systems. It truly is amazing. There are many ways you can magnetize your liquids. Some actually buy a magnetic pad to set their drinks on it doesn't have to just be water with these pads either it can be coffee, tea, or juice. I was lucky enough to have a friend that makes magnetic jars to set in water and can be used the same way as the magnetic pad. I found a guy who makes it a similar way but like I said whatever way works for you I am just here to encourage you to start using the wonder water :) Ideally you should let your water magnetize in a jar for at least 24 hours before drinking it to assure it has the best impact on your body. Like I said in the beginning I have been drinking magnetic water for almost 5 years. When I was a teenager I suffered from endometriosis, which I hear is quite popular among females these days. I used to take birth control and all that stuff and my cramps were still horrible!! I'm talking once a month emergency room horrible. It wasn't until I stopped taking birth
control and started drinking magnetic water daily that these cramps subsided. Four years later I am still not on birth control and I hardly ever get cramps besides a little on the first day. I strongly believe drinking magnetic water has helped me beat endometriosis. If you continue to read my blogs you will see I am in love with natural, organic, healthy living options!!! Now if your not too busy I encourage you to take some time out today to look into the links I added or do your own research on the Wonder Water. I promise you will walk away in awe and some will even purchase something to magnetize their liquids :) If you care about your body and the water you give it this will change everything. I can not stress enough how great magnetic water is and how over time of consuming it you will see amazing changes with your body. You will feel healthy and alive!! Thank you for taking time out to read, enjoy your crazy Monday!! :)
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