Monday, December 19, 2016

The Power of Energy

                Have you ever wondered if the energy you put out is what you get back, or that you could have complete control of how your life goes? It wasn’t until about four years ago when I watched the Netflix
 documentary " The Secret" that I even considered this could be true. Where I am today is exactly where I
want to be and I couldn’t be more proud of myself for getting there. For months and months and still to this day I put energy out about my modeling and life in general. Where I want it to go, where I see myself, and of course you must put action into these thoughts or the universe will not know what you want. Since experimenting with this theory I have had photographers from all over contact me and I've also had the amazing opportunity to be in a runway show for RAW, Natural Born Artists in Denver!!! The show turned out amazing and I was able to fit a photo shoot in early that morning. The lack of sleep the last few days is real but I wouldn’t change it for a thing, this whole day was a blessing and I met the
most amazing people.  I hope to return to RAW next year and I will continue to put out good vibes in everything I do. Instead of concentrating on the things you don’t want start with what you do. That point when you get frustrated  and think " now this is just dumb there is no way" push past that thought and I promise you good things will come. Enjoy the rest of 2016 and thank you for reading :)

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