Monday, August 22, 2016

Dairy Free Delicious Pancakes

         Good Morning world!!! It's the second to last Monday of August and I can't believe this month has gone by so fast!! Not saying i'm not super excited for fall, it's my second favorite season to summer after all :) One thing that will not be changing no matter what the season is, is the fact that i'm in love with breakfast foods!! Now seeing as I am vegetarian/ vegan/ or maybe I just eat how I want and what I want, I do things a little differently. Lucky for me my other half is also vegetarian and a wonderful cook!(he does most cooking) My favorite is Pancakes with fruit, hemp seeds, and a glass of Almond Milk or Coconut milk whichever we have in the house at the time.
       I did a lot of research on the food industry and animal cruelty which lead me to be a vegetarian in the first place, so I don't use dairy products in any of my food at all, and I don't use actual eggs either only egg whites, which are better for you anyways. When we do make scrambled eggs we add seasonal vegetables and toast sprouted or hemp bread on the side. Another quick and easy breakfast favorite is raw oats with fruit and coconut nectar. (future blog posts w/recipe) A lot of people like to assume that vegetarians are missing out or only eat lettuce but truth is there are amazing and endless options when it comes to eating vegetarian/vegan, all of which are way healthier :) I encourage you next time your cooking to try and substitute for a healthier option or maybe make a completely dairy free dish. This could turn out to be something you love that could change your health for the better :)
    Start your burner on a low setting ( learned that quick) I use Organic unrefined Coconut oil when I cook, but you can use whatever your preference is. Best thing abut dairy free pancakes is if they are a little gooey from bananas it won't kill you! I like my pancakes fluffy, so that's what you will get with this recipe. You can always tweak it.

1 CUP Whole Wheat Flour
1/2 TBSP Baking powder (depending how fluffy you want your pancake)
2 Smashed Bananas (optional, great source for Potassium)
1 TSP Organic ground Cinnamon
1 TSP Organic Pure Vanilla Extract
1/4 CUP Cacao Nibs ( optional, great source of Magnesium, and Antioxidants)
1/2 CUP Almond or Coconut Milk
ADD whatever your favorite fruits are and enjoy. I Also like to add Organic Peanut Butter and Pure Maple Syrup to mine at the end. Thank You for taking time out to read, enjoy your pancakes :)

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