Friday, August 5, 2016

I Haven't Been Everywhere but it's on my List ~ Costa Rica Adventures Part 1~

          Happy Friday!! Hope everyone is having an eventful week, I just wanted to take some time out and talk about traveling!! For many of you it's back to school and most are finishing up traveling for the summer. If you haven't gone somewhere yet this year I encourage you to do so!! There are so many great places in this world to travel to. We are not on this planet to live, work, and die people!! We are here to enjoy this beautiful life!! If your having troubles deciding where to go let me help you. I hands down recommend Costa Rica!!!

Playa Del Coco Beach
      Not only is the weather absolutely beautiful but there are also so many different activities you will never get bored! With all the craziness that's going on in the world it helps that i'ts not too far away, Costa Rica is in it's own little safe haven. I recently went down there and it was a totally random get away. Me and two girls that I worked with were talking about getting out of town and the next thing you know were booking tickets to Costa Rica. No joke. None of us had been there before, I didn't even have a passport. but we decided what the hell, why not! We flew into Liberia where we rented a car and planned on exploring the north western part of the country.

View in Playa Del Coco
       We began the drive from Liberia to Playa Del Coco which would be our first destination. Here we would be so lucky to meet a man who was originally from California but had been living in Costa Rica for many years. This man Dino became our personal tour guide. Now if your not too shy and you trust your gut instinct I would recommend talking to a few locals, they will always know where the best adventures are at. That being said this is how we were able to enjoy a beautiful hike off the beaten path that most people don't get to see. We spent hours at this beach in the middle of no where collecting seashells and relaxing in warm pools of water with the sea urchins.

Top of the hike overlooking
Golfo De Papagayo
Breakfast @ M&M
         Playa Del CoCo is full of tiny shops so be sure to explore them all and as for the restaurants, the food is amazing!!! Even the fruit tastes like magic. Me being a vegetarian was loving life!! Every morning we would wake up at the hotel we were staying at and have coffee and fruit :) The first place we stayed at was only $11 dollars a night, and had excellent service aside from the rooster that woke us up at 6 am every morning, but hey who wants to sleep in late anyway when the sun is already shinning and you can smell the ocean!!! It's off to Tamarindo!!! If you know you are not a strong driver maybe hand over the keys to someone who is because Costa Rican drivers are crazy!! Not to mention the roads are all narrow and curvy, and the signs are all in Spanish. I did not know any Spanish at the time, the two girls I was with knew some but I knew nothing. Don' let this stop you, you will learn quickly.                                                ~Camberlynn

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